Snappy Fax v4.31.2.1 - Офисные программы - Софт - Каталог файлов - Лучший Warez портал
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Snappy Fax v4.31.2.1
05.07.2009, 11:01

Snappy Fax - Позволяет использовать компьютер + сканер, принтер и модем в качестве факса с множеством функций, реализуемых только в самых лучших настольных аппаратах. Вы можете отсылать и принимать обычные факсы, отправлять факсы по электронной почте, аннотировать факсы и т.д. А еще эта программа позволяет превратить сканер и принтер в копировальную машину. ПО может улучшать, изменять, прикреплять отчет к полученному факс сообщению. Может с помощью мастера или в режиме редактора создать факс или шаблон, что удобно для организаций.

Overview of Features:
• Faxes can be sent from any Windows program
• Receive faxes directly to your PC
• Supports acquiring images from your scanner for faxing
- Supports flat-bed or auto-sheet fed scanners
- Compatible with all Twain compliant scanners
• Fax Queueing (broadcasting) - faxes may be queued to send at a specific date, time and frequency or to send on-demand. Great for sending out that weekly newsletter or other publication.
• Support sending fax images via email
- Send as an email attachment
- Send as an inline email image
• Automatic forwarding of incoming faxes to either another fax machine, or any number
of email addresses.
• Filtering of unwanted incoming junk faxes.
• "Capture mode" allows you to capture images from different windows applications and send as one multi-page fax in a single transmission.
• Automatically generate ready-to-fax images of Word or Excel documents or documents from other applications that support the "printto" command line directive.
• Fax images can be printed automatically (incoming) or printed at any time on-demand (outgoing and incoming)
• Supports saving of fax images in PDF Format
• Fax images can be sent to a website for viewing with a web browser.
• Supports sending and receiving faxes to other Snappy Fax users via email, ftp or local area network
• You can easily resend a fax without re-entering any information. The entire fax or just specific pages can be sent.
• Includes Address Book which supports Importing from Outlook contacts
• Includes extensive set of tools to annotate (markup) fax images.
• Image manipulation tools included:
- Rotate image
- Despeckle Image (remove "dust")
- Deskew (Straighten) image
- Cut page from multi-page image
- Rearrange page order
- Zoom, Pan and Magnify modes
- And more...
• Optional Optical Character Recognition module can produce editable text from fax image. Includes "live" spell checking and numerous dictionaries.
• Includes address book with ability to import from Outlook Contacts or from tab or comma-delimited text files
• Doubles as a client to Snappy Fax Network Server
• Integrated full featured cover page designer with preview
- Supports Word Documents as cover page templates
- Comes with nine cover templates already constructed and ready for use.
• Customizable data grids that can be sorted or filtered on any column.
• Built-in "Live Update" for software updates
• Fax Report listings
• And much, much more...

Размер: 19.52 Mb
Лекарство: имеется

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Авторы проекта не несут ответственности за содержание рекламных материалов и файлов, размещенных на сторонних серверах!!! © 2008-2009.

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